Hello book besties!In today’s bookish discussion post I’ll talk about some bookish habits that I have and a lot of book lovers also share (assumingly).Please tell me I’m not the only one who does these things😭.Let’s get started💞💞!
Habit #1:
Let’s start off by the first bookish habit which is:Searching for spoilers even though I don’t want them.I don’t consider this really a habit but more of like something I do to torture myself with.Cause I literally get tortured.Like for example when I am reading a certain book and it’s a little bit long,I search for specific stuff that I’m afraid they might happen or curious if they will and then BOOM.A SPOILER.And the thing is I don’t stop reading afterwards.I get so shocked and tortured or even more curious then I read a little more.I recently read a spoiler for the death of the main character of one of the books that I’m currently reading whom I love so much.And it DESTROYED ME.literally.so yeah,this is your sign not to do that.
Habit #2:
Next bookish habit is reading multiple books at the same time or , like I like to call it , (multireading). When I am in finals or midterms and don’t have much time on my hands, I multiread.I do it in a very weird way.Like right before Ramadan started I was literally in the middle of 2 last books from two different trilogies who are so so far from each other.And a standalone which is also not related to anything.I jumped from an emotion,world,story,characters to a completely new one.I used to find it very productive actually.Which is dumb cause now I find it very overwhelming.
Habit #3:
Moving on to the third habit which is:searching pinterest for book quotes from the book I’m reading to get more excited.I do this all the time.And not just search for quotes,I search for aesthetics too.I love doing this,I find it to be a part of my reading.Like I cannot read without doing this.It’s so fun.I also get most of my TBR and next reads from pinterest.I basically live on it now.It’s my fav app.
Habit #4:
Last bookish habit I’ll talk about is smelling my paperbacks.My sister (who is not a book lover) laughs at me whenever I do this and finds it weird,but I don’t.It’s completely normal.Plus,each book has it’s own unique smell.My fav book smell I have though would probably be Traitor To The Throne by Alwyn Hamilton.I wanna make it into perfume and spray it on all my outfits.It’s that good.
These were some bookish habits I do.Please let me know in the comments which one do you do or if you do them all like me!Maybe you have different ones?let me know!
Happy Reading!
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