Hello book besties!!welcome to episode one of bookish discussions!.It’s a series where we will discuss different book related topics together and chat about them!In today’s episode we’ll be discussing whether reading is political or not and why.Hope u like it,let’s get started💞💞
A lot of people still think that reading is merely another hobby,but is it really just that or does it have deeper meaning?I honestly used to think that it was just a hobby too before the boycotting business.And I found it very hard at first since a lot of my top fav authors were on the boycott list,but it got easier over time alhamdulliah.Now,I 100% think it has a deeper meaning and there are a lot of evidence on that like book banning that’s been going on lately as well as boycotting authors who support !sr@3l.But in order to actually be able to tell,first let’s see what the term of political related books mean.
Meaning of political related books:Political related books are the ones which talk about or include political ideas,themes and systems.It’s often included in classical literature (Animal farm by George Orwell) and historical fiction(As Long As The Lemon Trees Grow By Zoulfa Katouh),it can be found in fantasy books(Babel By R.F Kuang) as well.
How can books be political:Now that we know what political related books mean,how can a book be political though?A book can be political through the theme,when it includes historical events.It can be through characters as they may represent political symbols.There’s also Influence,books can influence political action or help people form opinions on it.
Many believe books are not related to anything in life and it’s just another form of entertainment,while it may be true for some books,it’s not for the rest.
Do you think reading is political as I do?or do you have a different point of view on the matter?share with me your thoughts in the comments.
Happy Reading!
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